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Insight into social work

Want to make a difference in the lives of children and young people? Want to get a deeper insight into the social work sector?

Join the first event of our insight series, where we will be joined by a trained children’s social worker and a care experienced young person. You will learn more about the role of a social worker, develop a better understanding of the impact a social worker can have, and hear more about how Approach Social Work can start your journey towards a life-changing career.

Register for Insight into social work

Application skills

Want to make a difference in the lives of children and young people? Interested in submitting a great Approach Social Work application? Want to know how to put in a strong performance at our assessment centre?

Come along to our application skills event to find out more about our selection process and how you can stand out. Get a chance to practice demonstrating the competencies we look for and ask your burning questions about how you can start your journey towards a life-changing career.

Register for Application skills

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