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As a social work charity, making life better for children whose family need the support of a social worker and keeping them safe from harm is at the heart of everything we do. Working with and supporting our social workers is so important to us being able to do this, and that’s what the Frontline Fellowship is all about.

Everyone who completes one of our programmes joins the Frontline Fellowship. A growing community of over 3,000, it brings together social workers from across England at every level of experience and offers them continued training and development so they can be the best they can for the children and families they support.

Empowering social workers

Through the Fellowship, we develop, empower and support social workers.

We provide a space for them to connect with each other, build partnerships and draw on each other’s experiences. Something we know is so important at a time when social workers are more needed than ever, but also working in incredibly tough circumstances.

We also offer support and development in the areas we focus on as a charity.


We provide training and workshops to so our social workers continue to develop their knowledge and practice.


We focus on leadership skills so they can empower their teams and those around them, including through Step Forward, our programme for aspiring leaders.


We support them to use their insights to find new ways to overcome challenges they and the sector face, including through our Innovation programme.

We need your support

Our Fellowship is entirely funded by fundraising donations. When you donate to our Fellowship, you are supporting the development of social workers who can deliver life-changing support to families in crisis.