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Why partner with Frontline?

Enable excellent practice

Our model of training is innovative, with a clear framework that focusses on systemic practice, motivational interviewing and evidence-based parenting interventions. We emphasise excellent practice and positive measurable outcomes.

We will work with you to ensure your staff are equipped to be effective practitioners and managers who achieve the best outcomes for children and families.

Gain new staff who are practice ready

Access a diverse pool of talented, practice-ready new staff with high potential. Our selection process is rigorous and we take an innovative approach to teaching on Approach Social Work (formerly known as the Frontline programme), combining evidence-based methodologies with learning on the job. This means social workers are more prepared for the demands of statutory social work.

You will gain master’s qualified social workers, who will join your service with a heightened level of awareness and theoretical knowledge. The master’s is achieved through action research which requires social workers to develop advanced practice expertise, ensuring they bring real value to your organisation.

Upskill and retain your workforce

Benefit from our high-quality training for your existing team. Our Approach Social Work and Pathways programmes provide excellent training opportunities to develop experienced practitioners’ skills and ensure they are engaged and motivated. The programmes offer learning opportunities and career progression, as your staff use their skills to develop the professional expertise of new and existing members of your workforce.

  • Consultant social workers
    On Approach Social Work, each hub of typically five trainee social workers is led by a consultant social worker (CSW). We’ll work with you to identify key members of staff who are suitable to train as a CSW. This role gives your strongest practitioners the chance to remain in a practice-based role, while giving them the opportunity to lead and manage a unit. All CSWs are offered a CSW development training programme, and have the opportunity to work towards the Practice Educator Professional Standards at stage two.
  • Social work managers
    Our Pathways programme develops good social work managers into high performing, considered and influential leaders. Strengthening the leadership of this important group has a profound effect on the practice systems within which they work, improving the quality of social work supervision and the management of social workers.
Access knowledge and learning across the profession

Our programmes provide opportunities to share knowledge, develop skills and attend training across the country, keeping your staff motivated and connected to developments across the profession.

Our Social Work Coffee Break webinars, practice network events, and regional research and practice forums enable staff across your service to hear from leading thinkers and system influencers.

On completion of our programmes, your staff will join the Fellowship, a community of social workers trained by Frontline. Members benefit from being part of a network of skilled individuals, enabling them to consult peers and attend practice related events, which further energises them in their work. Most importantly, they will be supported to develop their skills and keep learning new ways to bring about positive change for children and families.

Save on operational costs

Save time and money as you gain up to five new practice-ready social workers. We cover all costs relating to the attraction, selection and recruitment of participants for our programmes. For Approach Social Work, this includes all references, health and DBS checks.

Develop and grow a culture of leadership

As your new recruits from Approach Social Work grow under the guidance of consultant social workers, they will use their personal leadership to bring about lasting change within families.

Managers will be developed to even more effectively support and empower their social workers. They will work in their teams to bring about positive change within your organisation. Working together, those trained by Frontline will be empowered to develop strong, influential relationships with their peers and partners from other organisations, to improve their practice systems.

Hear about our partnership with Essex County Council, who we have worked with since 2014

More about our programmes

Approach Social Work

Through Approach Social Work (formerly known as the Frontline programme) we attract, train and place career changers and graduates directly within children’s services teams. We also develop your experienced social workers through our consultant social worker role and development programme.

Pathways programme

The Social Work Leadership Pathways programme develops the practice leadership skills of social worker managers and leaders. The programme empowers social workers to lead with confidence, improve the performance of their team and to create a culture which prioritises children and families above all else.