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Privacy Agreement
Thank you for your interest in taking part in our Pathways Programme. The information that you provide in this form will be used to administer and deliver the Pathways Programme and will be used in our reporting and evaluation.

By ticking this box you consent to the collection and processing of your personal data as described in Frontline's data privacy policy.

GA tracking website

Personal Details

Please provide a UK mobile number.
Local Authority Details

Pathway Programme

  • Senior social worker
  • Consultant social worker
  • Assistant team manager
  • Practice Supervisor

  • Independent review officer 
  • Team manager

  • Service manager
  • Principle social worker
  • Head of service

  • Assistant Director
  • Director*

* DCS (Director of Children’s Services) are not eligible to apply however Assistant Directors may have the job title of Director of their specific area of the service.

We are not currently accepting applications for Pathway 1, 2, 3 or 4 - submissions for these pathways are disabled on this form.

Register your interest to receive a notification when applications open again.

This field is used to hide/show subsequent sections based on whether the Vacancy is open/closed. View "conditional rules" on this field to see which Pathways are currently closed.
More about your current role


The following questions will help us identify and meet your dietary and accessibility requirements on the programme. Please consider this in relation to in person events, online workshops, using an online learning platform and any other aspect of the programme.

Information provided here will not affect the outcome of your application, but you do not need to disclose at this stage if you do not wish to.

If you wish to disclose any requirements at a later stage or if your circumstances change, you can let the team know at any time.

Please note you do not need to disclose at this stage, you may select 'Prefer not to say'

Leadership Development Coach Allocation

During the Pathways programme, you will have access to 1:1 coaching sessions with a leadership development coach (LDC). Your answers to the questions below will help us allocate you appropriately.

Pathway 1 Attendance
We will allocate places on the first come first served basis. If the next cohort is full, we will allocate you to the next available cohort.

The programme has a number of compulsory elements which will require time commitment from yourself and permission from your local authority. Please indicate below your ability to attend all elements of the programme.
Please confirm your commitment to attend the following elements of the programme 
• One residential (2 days, 1 to 2 nights)
• Leadership development coaching sessions (3 x 1.5 hour sessions)
• Online workshops (2 x 3 hour sessions)
• Self-directed study modules (2 modules, approximately 4 hours)

Pathway 2 Attendance

We will allocate places on the first come first served basis. If the next cohort is full, we will allocate you to the next available cohort.

The programme has a number of compulsory elements which will require time commitment from yourself and permission from your local authority. Please indicate below your ability to attend all elements of the programme.
Please confirm your commitment to attend the following elements of the programme 
• Two residentials (4 days, 2 to 4 nights)
• Leadership development coaching sessions (4 x 1.5 hour sessions)
• Online workshops (3 x 3 hour sessions)
• Self-directed study modules (6 modules, approximately 12 hours)
• Deliberate Practice sessions ( 3 x 1.5 hour sessions)

Pathway 2: Frontline's '4Cs' Leadership Capabilities Framework

These questions are measured against Frontline's 4C leadership capability framework: Providing Clarity, Managing Complexity, Expanding Capacity and Maintaining Curiosity. Question 1 is focused on Providing Clarity, question 2 is focused on Managing Complexity and question 3 is focused on Expanding Capacity. Throughout your answers, we would encourage you to demonstrate your approach to Maintaining Curiosity. Please ensure you address all parts of each question in your responses.

We encourage you to make use of the word count and write in full sentences, avoiding bullet points.

Pathway 3 Attendance

We will allocate places on the first come first served basis. If the next cohort is full, we will allocate you to the next available cohort.

The programme has a number of compulsory elements which will require time commitment from yourself and permission from your local authority. Please indicate below your ability to attend all elements of the programme.
Please confirm your commitment to attend the following elements of the programme 
• Two residentials (4 days, 2 to 4 nights)
• Leadership development coaching sessions (6 x 1.5 hour sessions)
• Coaching triad (2 x 1.5 hour sessions)
• Online workshops (4 x 3 hour sessions)
• Self-directed study modules (6 modules, approximately 12 hours)
• Learning in action (1 day)
• Peer-led practice sessions (3 x 1.5 hour)

Pathway 3: Frontline's '4Cs' Leadership Capabilities Framework

These questions are measured against Frontline's 4C leadership capability framework: Providing Clarity, Managing Complexity, Expanding Capacity and Maintaining Curiosity. Question 1 is focused on Providing Clarity, question 2 is focused on Managing Complexity and question 3 is focused on Expanding Capacity. Throughout your answers, we would encourage you to demonstrate your approach to Maintaining Curiosity. Please ensure you address all parts of each question in your responses.

We encourage you to make use of the word count and write in full sentences, avoiding bullet points.

Pathway 4 Attendance

We will allocate places on the first come first served basis. If the next cohort is full, we will allocate you to the next available cohort.

The programme has a number of compulsory elements which will require time commitment from yourself and permission from your local authority. Please indicate below your ability to attend all elements of the programme.
Please confirm your commitment to attend the following elements of the programme 
• Two residentials (4 days, 2 to 4 nights)
• Leadership development coaching sessions (6 x 1.5 hour sessions)
• Online workshops (3 x 3 hour sessions)
• Self-directed study modules (6 modules, approximately 12 hours)
• Ofsted shadowing visit or workshop (1 day)
• Shadowing (2 days)
• Peer-led practice sessions (3 x 1.5 hour)

Pathway 4: Frontline's '4Cs' Leadership Capabilities Framework

These questions are measured against Frontline's 4C leadership capability framework: Providing Clarity, Managing Complexity, Expanding Capacity and Maintaining Curiosity. Question 1 is focused on Providing Clarity, question 2 is focused on Managing Complexity and question 3 is focused on Expanding Capacity. Throughout your answers, we would encourage you to demonstrate your approach to Maintaining Curiosity. Please ensure you address all parts of each question in your responses.

We encourage you to make use of the word count and write in full sentences, avoiding bullet points.

Diversity and Inclusion

The questions below are not compulsory but will help us monitor and ensure that our recruitment and programme experience is equitable and diverse. Please select "prefer not to say" if you do not wish to answer any of these questions. By completing these questions you are giving us your consent to collect and process this data. Only relevant Frontline staff will see your responses linked to your name. Data will be anonymised before sharing with other teams or external audiences, for example, in our reporting to the Department for Education (DfE).

Measuring Pathway Success

The questions below will help us evaluate the success of the programme and help us understand more about you and the context you are working in. Your answers will not affect the outcome of your application.

When making multiple selections, please hold the CTRL key while you are making your selections.

When making multiple selections, please hold the CTRL key while you are making your selections.

Please review your responses to ensure they are accurate. (You can review or amend your responses by using the "Previous Page" button.)

Once you have clicked "Submit" you will not be able to change your responses. 

We are not currently accepting applications for Pathway 2, 3 or 4 - submissions for these pathways are disabled on this form.

Register your interest to receive a notification when applications open again.