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Workforce training and development

Strengthen your workforce and help your organisation thrive.

Our workforce training and development offer is designed to empower local authorities and the wider sector to achieve lasting, positive change for children and families. With over a decade of experience as leaders in social work training, we provide commissioned services tailored to meet the specific needs of your organisation.

Our training

Frontline brings together leading experts to deliver targeted training on a range of topics.

Our training is designed with your organisation in mind. We work closely with you to develop and deliver content that aligns with your goals, ensuring your team receives the support they need to excel.

We’ve seen firsthand the difference our training makes.

Since the training, I have seen a huge change in the way my direct report’s confidence has grown, which has had a direct impact on outcomes they managed to achieve.”

Our coaching

Elevate your team’s practice with our specialist coaching packages. Each package is designed to meet different levels of need, ensuring your leaders receive the right support at the right time.

Before launching each package, we will assess your specific needs and goals to support the learning and development outcomes for your staff.


Direct support through four one-to-one coaching sessions designed to help navigate specific challenges and help support your leaders’ practice.


Boost your leaders development through a 360 degree diagnostic at the start and end of the coaching offer and six one-to-one coaching sessions. Over eight months they can enhance and develop their skills and practice.


A rounded support offering, ideal if you are looking for advanced growth and development for your leaders. Includes 360 degree diagnostic, nine one-to-one coaching sessions and exclusive opportunities for service managers and above.

Let’s work together

Ready to take the next step? Contact us today to discover how Frontline can help your organisation thrive.