Modern slavery statement
Frontline has an annual turnover of under £36m. Whilst this is below the threshold to publish a modern slavery statement, we are doing so because we are committed to doing all we can to eradicate modern slavery. Our approach to mitigating the risk of modern slavery is to reduce the risk of labour abuse and promote good practice through our culture of freedom and responsibility.
Our organisation
Frontline is a charity with a mission to make life better for children at risk of harm by improving the services that support them. We work exclusively within the UK.
Frontline operates with a culture of freedom and responsibility and a commitment to having fewer but better rules. We recognise that policies and procedures have the biggest positive impact when they inspire talented people to do more great work, prevent widespread disaster and enforce ethical and moral values.
Our supply chain
Accountability to assess, monitor and improve labour standards in our supply chain sits with the finance team. We place emphasis on ensuring that staff involved with procurement understand ethical issues and we are developing tools which enable them to address labour risks appropriately.
We have the following policies, procedures, agreements, and resources in place which form part of our approach to mitigating the risks associated with modern slavery;
- Fewer Better Rules Book
- Procurement policy
- Fundraising due diligence policy
- Safeguarding policy
- Whistleblowing policy
We are governed by a board of trustees who hold us to account on our mission, values and regulatory obligations.
Training and advice
Information will be circulated to all staff to raise general organisational awareness. The governance and compliance team will provide advice and guidance to those who have direct responsibility for supply chains.
Review and responsibility
The board of trustees has responsibility for ensuring that this statement complies with Frontline’s ethical and legal obligations and that it is reviewed on an annual basis. The governance and compliance manager has responsibility for implementing this statement and monitoring its effectiveness. In line with Frontline’s culture of freedom and responsibility, all employees have the autonomy to highlight and contribute to improving our approach to eradicating modern slavery.
Looking ahead
Frontline will consult with stakeholders in the future when any changes need to be made to our modern slavery statement. We are committed to being progressive when looking at modern slavery and will reflect this in any changes that become necessary in the future.
At the next review of our procurement process, we will look to embed the modern slavery act in line with our organisational values. As part of this review we will consider how best to measure our performance against the requirements of the act.
This statement has been formally approved by the board of trustees and the COO. This statement will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and will be modified as necessary.
September 2023