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Section 1: Overview  

1.1 Purpose and general principles  

1.1.1 Frontline and your organisation want to maximise the impact from each place on Progress Social Work. As a result, Frontline expects leaders to attend and engage fully with all aspects of the programme. This policy therefore applies to all leaders who have signed their Progress Social Work Offer Acceptance Form (Appendix 1.1).  

1.1.2 Absences can negatively impact a leader’s ability to engage with all elements of the programme and to develop effective social work leadership practice. Frontline therefore monitors leader attendance and engagement for the programme’s duration, so that staff can support and provide early intervention to leaders who may be experiencing difficulties. 

1.1.3 Frontline recognises there may be exceptional circumstances which mean that a leader is unable to attend or complete required elements of the programme. Leaders should contact to raise any concerns or issues. Each occurrence will be considered on a case-by-case basis and the most appropriate approach set out in Section 2 of this policy will be followed.  

1.1.4 In order to complete Progress Social Work, the following minimum attendance requirement must be met:  

1.1.5 For all other elements, a minimum attendance/completion of 80% should be achieved to complete the programme as a whole.  

1:1 leadership development coaching sessions Self-directed study modules and online workshops Peer led practice sessions 
Minimum attendance Minimum attendance at 3 sessions Minimum completion of 4 modules or workshops Minimum attendance at 2 sessions 

1.2 Responsibilities  

1.2.1 This policy is owned by the Principal Business Development Lead, who is responsible for its implementation.  

1.2.2 Frontline is responsible for:  

1.2.3 Leaders are responsible for:  

Section 2: Procedure  

2.1 Reporting absences 

2.1.1 Absences for residentials and workshops should be reported to the Progress Social Work team at and should be ahead of the date of delivery where practicable.  

2.1.2 Absences for coaching sessions should be reported to the leader’s coach directly at least 24 hours prior to the booked session. Should a session be cancelled within 24 hours, this will be classed as a spent session and will impact a leader’s attendance record.  

If a coach is absent or cancels a coaching session, this will not impact a leaders attendance record and should be reported to The session will be rescheduled at the next available opportunity. 

2.1.3 If a leader’s intended absence is determined to be without reasonable cause (including but not limited to, sickness, bereavement, caring responsibilities, Ofsted visit), Frontline will normally contact the leader. It is expected that this will result in an agreed outcome and actions for support in relation to the absence.  

2.2 Attendance tracking 

2.2.1 For in-person residentials, Frontline will ask leaders to register their attendance via a QR code that will be provided on the first day and signposted to them. It is the responsibility of the leader to make sure they log their attendance for in-person residentials.  

2.2.2 For online workshops, Frontline will monitor participants’ attendance via Zoom usage reports. Leaders will be asked to display their full name; the Business Development officer will update Salesforce with attendance. 

2.2.3 For peer-led practice sessions, Frontline will track engagement. 

2.3 Catching up on missed learning  

2.3.1 Where leaders are at risk of falling under 80% attendance for the elements listed in section 1.1.4, other than coaching, they must catch up on missed learning. They should do this via the resources available on the learning platform. 

In general this would include reviewing the slides and notes available from a session and then submitting a form to confirm completion of catch up, including a reflective log. This will be sent out when by the Business Development Officer to the leader. 

2.3 Catching up on missed learning  

2.3.1 Where leaders are at risk of falling under 80% attendance for the elements listed in section 1.1.4, other than coaching, they must catch up on missed learning. They should do this via the resources available on the learning platform. 

In general this would include reviewing the slides and notes available from a session and then submitting a form to confirm completion of catch up, including a reflective log. This will be sent out when by the Business Development Officer to the leader. 

2.4 Managing absence and engagement concerns  

2.4.1 Where a leader is either absent without notifying relevant staff (see 2.1.1 and 2.1.2), has not provided a satisfactory explanation of their absence, or where there are emerging or continuing concerns around their level of attendance and/or engagement, they may be subject to several steps of intervention, within which attendance and engagement concerns will be explored alongside possible mechanisms of support.  

2.4.2 Where a singular unexplained absence has occurred for a compulsory programme element, leaders may be contacted by Frontline for an explanation. If a leader does not provide a satisfactory explanation for the absence, Frontline may progress the matter to the below stage(s) outlined in 2.4.4 – 2.4.7.  

2.4.3. For emerging concerns around a leader’s attendance and/or engagement with other elements of the programme, they will receive a communication from the Business Development Officer, reminding them of Frontline’s expectations and to ascertain whether there are any reasons for this change, and to offer support. 

2.4.4 If the situation does not improve sufficiently, this will be brought to the attention of the Frontline Partnerships Team who will communicate any concerns with a leader’s organisation to discuss an action plan and/or further support for attendance or engagement.  

2.4.5 Where a leader, without reasonable explanation, and without first discussing this with Frontline, does one or more of the following, Frontline may consider withdrawal from the programme when an individual: (definition in section 3) 

2.4.6 The decision to deem a leader withdrawn must be agreed by the Principal Business Development Lead, in consultation with the Business Development Manager, Partnership and Placements Manager, in consultation with the organisation. 

2.4.7 If a leader wishes to appeal the decision, they can do this via, through which a meeting with the Principal Business Development Lead will be arranged. If not satisfactorily resolved, a complaint can be issued in line with our complaints policy. 

Section 3: Definitions 

Withdrawn Leader will be removed from the programme. This will include losing access to residentials, online workshops, coaching, the learning platform and all other elements of the programme.  

Section 4: Appendix 

1.1 Template email containing Progress Social Work Offer Acceptance Form 

Dear [Your Name], 
Congratulations! Frontline is pleased to inform you that you have been offered a place on Progress Social Work! We are excited to welcome you onto the programme and for you to continue your leadership development journey. 
As a reminder, there is an expectation that you will be committed to completing all parts of Progress Social Work. Please see below for the various components of the programme, which you will need to commit to. 
Two two-day residentials (including overnight stay)