Progress Social Work: training and events code of behaviour
Frontline is committed to providing a safe learning environment for everyone involved in Progress Social Work, we support a culture of reciprocal respect and will not tolerate discrimination or harassment in any form.
This code of behaviour is for anyone attending, delivering, or observing Progress Social Work training and events. Action will be taken against anyone who does not adhere to the code of behaviour regardless of their status or relationship with Frontline.
All speakers, facilitators, staff, and leaders are expected to: treat others in a courteous and respectful manner; maintain a professional demeanour and uphold the responsibilities set out in Frontline’s Safeguarding policy.
Speakers, facilitators, staff, and leaders will not engage in the following behaviours that are not aligned with Frontline principles including, but not limited to:
Harassment is any improper or unwelcome conduct that might reasonably be expected or be perceived to cause offence or humiliation to another person. Offensive or discriminatory actions or comments related to a person’s gender, sex, race, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, appearance, or other aspects of identity.
Sexual harassment:
Sexual harassment is a specific form of harassment and is defined under the Equality Act (2010) as “unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, which has the purpose or effect of either: (a) violating the complainant’s dignity; or (b) creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the complainant.”
Bullying is any “offensive, abusive, malicious or intimidating behaviour or misuse of power with the intention of undermining, humiliating or belittling the person it is being directed towards.” (Equal Opportunities Commission, 2020). This can take place in person and online.
- Threats or incitements of violence against anybody.
- Stalking or deliberate intimidation, including continued one to one communication after a request to cease.
- Publication of confidential or sensitive communication.
- Unwelcome comments regarding another person’s lifestyle choices or practices.
Misconduct caused by alcohol and drugs.
Reporting inappropriate behaviour
If you experience or witness harassment, bullying or discrimination of any form whilst participating in Progress Social Work event or activity, or if you are made aware that someone else may be affected by inappropriate behaviour, you should contact Frontline staff via
Breaches of the code of behaviour will be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the Breaches of leader charter and code of behaviour policy.
Where requested, all efforts will be made to keep reports confidential and only relevant Frontline staff members will be made aware of the report.
Where a report is made which places another individual at risk or behaviour is considered a breach of the code of behaviour or leader charter, this will be followed up with the person the allegation refers to. Where requested, all efforts will be made to maintain anonymity of the person reporting the incident to the person(s) involved however this may not always be possible depending on the nature of the incident.
If anyone’s behaviour breaches the code of conduct, we reserve the right to withdraw them from the programme. Depending on the nature of the breach we may consider the need to inform a Local Authority/employer.