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25 October 2023 Approach Social Work

A letter to a remarkable social worker!

Letter from the uncle of a young person that Denise, a Frontline programme participant, was supporting.

The young person had been removed from his parents, as had his siblings, and was living with his uncle at this time.

“I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the outstanding support and dedication shown by our most recently allocated social worker, Denise. As a family, we were initially apprehensive about being assigned yet another social worker due to having quite a few since the start of our journey with you. However, I wanted to take a moment to inform you of the exceptional service she has provided us with. 

Denise has displayed all the qualities that are crucial from a family’s perspective. Her deep understanding of our family’s needs has been remarkable, and she has consistently demonstrated her ability to provide us with the exact support required. Moreover, she has diligently followed through on every commitment she made, instilling a sense of trust and reassurance with children’s services. 
It is not often that families take the time to acknowledge the remarkable efforts of social workers, and I believe it is imperative to share this feedback with you. Denise’s unwavering commitment, empathy, and professionalism have made a significant impact on our experience over the past few months. Her presence and dedication have been a true source of relief and support. 
We genuinely appreciate Denise’s exemplary work and the positive difference she has made in our lives. It is through individuals like her that the reputation of social work is enhanced, and families like ours can find solace during challenging times. Please extend our heartfelt gratitude to Denise for her remarkable service. I also believe that had we have been allocated a social worker such as Denise from the beginning things may have turned out differently for us. 
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you require any further information or if there are any avenues through which you can formally recognise Denise’s exceptional contributions then please do take the chance to.”